Product Feature - Art Pad
This integration has allowed us to include a drawing board inside of the apps that allow users to take part in contests.
As consumers move towards OTT spaces, Simplestream continues to expand its wide range of App Platform functionalities to support a variety of verticals within the entertainment world including Sports, Broadcasters, Telecommunications companies, and Kids Channels.
Our Art Pad integration is one example of Kids' channel functionality, tailor-made to support the unique user base. This integration has allowed us to include a drawing board within the apps, allowing users to take part in contests and express their creativity all within the safety of a single environment.

Kids channels and content owners can keep running contests featuring their fan-made illustrations. At the same time, the apps can advantage of the advanced functionality granted by the move to digital devices. Parents can be assured that their child is accessing age-appropriate material using a single point of access. The functionality also streamlines the process for involving fans in competitions which in turn helps to increase both engagement and therefore helps to boost the loyalty of viewers turning the viewing relationship from a one-way system to an interactive experience.
In an increasingly competitive marketplace, it's key for new services to utilise the full range of new functionality awarded by moving to a digital space and this is just one of many ways in which Simplestream helps our clients to launch genre-defining services.