Simplestream deployed Channel Studio, the proprietary product to create virtual channels in the cloud, with optional ad insertion. Shots! TV channel was built with a quick turnaround, allowing National World to utilise a brand-new Freeview channel slot. Channel Studio includes a channel assembler that allows the creation of virtual and FAST channels, with ad marker insertion to support server-side ad insertion (SSAI).
The agnostic approach taken for the development and the deployment of the tech stack is testament to the flexibility of the solution offered by Simplestream, which allows customers to adopt Channel Studio even when not licensing Simplestream’s video platform Media Manager for their video platform.
App Platform, Simplestream’s framework to power premium content on multiple platforms, was also utilised to build a fully functional and mobile-responsive video web portal, with support for server-side ad-insertion and client-side ad reporting, thanks to the integration with National World’s monetisation partner, Axiom.