Case Study: TVSNnow

How Simplestream supported TVSN with the creation of TVSNnow for an enhanced, live and on demand, shopping experience. Download the full case study.

Australia and New Zealand's most popular TV shopping network, TVSN approached Simplestream with the objective to expand its already successful teleshopping channel – TVSNnow – to multiple devices and platforms across mobile and big screens.

A decorative landscape image showing a big screen television and TVSN programming

This case study analyses the challenges of an ambitious project, and outlines the solutions provided by Simplestream, focusing on the following key points:

  1. How Simplestream built, delivered, and maintained a set of applications for the distribution of premium OTT shopping content across platforms and devices, while providing a streamlined purchase experience.
  2. The use of Channel Studio to repurpose archive content and create virtual channels with data-driven graphic overlays – powered by Simplestream’s partner, – for product info, stock levels, and pricing.
  3. Why Simplestream helped TVSN optimise their video workflows for a digital workspace.
  4. How multiple APIs working in unison powered a cohesive workflow for the creation of virtual channels.
  5. Why a consistent purchase process was important across both virtual channels and the live broadcast channel available on TVSNnow.

The successful launch of TVSNnow on multiple platforms generated significant interest from the public in Australia and New Zealand. A substantial portion of TVSN’s millions of viewers began using the applications to shop at their convenience.

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